Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sangihe Island (The Sangihe Archipelago)

Located in northern Sulawesi island (world know as nothern Celebes), as a chain of underwater volcanic ridges between Indonesia and the Philippines archipelago. Some of those are active, such as Gunung Awu on the north and one of the most amazing underwater geological features of this archipelago is the Mahangatang, an active underwater volcano near Siau on the south. The abundant and high diversith marine life co-evoluted with types of magical reefs fringing these islands.
Sangihe has been described by international divers and snorkellers as one of the clearest water with the best visinity in the world which reefs as ‘remote, pristine and world class’. These coral reef fringed island are among the most pristine in Indonesia, and considered by experts as the pinnacle of marine bio-diversity worldwide. Many divers and fishermen are frequently found most existence cetaceans species such as sperm whales, pilot whales, melon-headed whales and numerous species of dolphins in the area and the rare tropical killer whales or orcas are sighted here occasionally.

Welcome to sangihe archipelago
"the pearls of north"

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date: 5/5/2009.

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.

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