Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Fukui Dive Spot

Fukui,Lekuan 1,2,3 Dive Spot

Dive Spot Map


It is a sandy slope with steep drops. Here you can observe different "cleaning stations" and their customers. Is possible to spot jacks, barracuda, bat fish, tuna, snappers.Fukui site Named after a Japanese diver who dived this site 20 years ago and wrote an article about it. Fukui is very different than the rest of Bunaken's dive sites, as it is actually the only divesite with a gentle slope. It is not just sloping, there are a few short steep drops , but alltogether, Fukui is a good start for a first dive.
It is also a so called "cleaning station", which means that all kinds of big fish have themselves cleaned while they take a rest. It is a perfect place to observe Napoleon wrasse, barracuda, Jacks and big snapper. A more sandy part of Fukui is home to a colony of garden eels. Spectacular but rare sightings have been thresher shark and a huge ocean sunfish. At a depth of about 17 metres, there are 5 big "Tridacna" giant clams lying in a row. Fukui normally has a very mild current that can occasionally be a bit stronger. Averange visibility is 20-25 meters,A sandy area at Fukui is home to a colony of garden els. At a depth of 20-22 metres are 5 "Tridacna" giant clams lying in a row (size around 1m each). Current can be strong depending on the tides.

MUKA KAMPUNG (Front of the Village).
Located in front of Bunaken Village. A steep drop-off on which we are often in company with eagle rays, sting rays, tunas, napoleon, fantastic soft corals and nudibranches, crabs, shrimps. Also the right location to observe Mandarin Fish mating in a late afternoon dive.Located opposite the village of Bunaken. A steep drop off with a sandy sloping path on the tip of the reef corner, where we often observe eagle ray, stingray and thousands of butterfly fish. Even from the surface, currents are visible and Muka Kampung normally ends up as a good old fashiond drift dive. Traditionally, "Muka Kampung"is the enterance to the village of Bunaken. Until now, strait over the reef flat,There are advanced plans for the construction of a permanent landing jetty,so further damage in the future will be prevented. Visibility varies from 15 to 30 metres.

The 3 “lekuans” are considered a signature of Bunaken world famous wall diving. A dramatic drop off of 40-50m followed by a step and than again precipitating in the blue. Very common to spot huge (up to 2m) green turtles, sharks (white tip, black tip), napoleon and “clouds” of schooling fish like anthias, fusiliers, butterfly, red tooth triggerfish. Many macro species in the shallows as well as scorpions (devil, ambon, leaf ) and stone fishes.A very popular diving spot, Lekuan I is home to the Bannerfish, Napoleon Wrasses, and a large school of Pyramid Butterflyfish. It is also possible to see Turtles and Angelfish here. At 35 meters it is common to encounter Blacktip Sharks and large Trevallies,This is not for the faint hearted ! Rated : Advanced diver with 20 logged dives; currents; average visibility 30 m.

Wall reef with many vertical drops, cuts, holes and overhangs. Excellent numbers and variety of almost all kinds of reef fish as well as invertebrate life.This steep coral wall with vertical canyons offers you a nice moderate drift dive. The reef is swarming with numerous schools of tropical reef fish swimming around a variety of soft and hard corals from the top of the reef down to 20 meters. Butterfly fish and Banner fish are a common sight here. It is also possible to encounter Napoleon Wrasses, Turtles, and Sharks. Rated :Vertical wall; adv diver:depth 10-25 m; currents:av vis 30 m

A sandy sloping bottom at first with pinnacles and outcroppings make Lekuan 3 a different underwater landscape.The “scenario” then changes into a vertical wall dropping into the deep ocean,Numerous nudibranchs, leaf fish, ghostpipefishes, scorpion fish as well as green turtles, sharks, snappers. Here is also possible for a trained eye to spot the rare and tiny (4/5 mm) Hippocampus pontohi (a newly-discovered species of pygmy seahorse) One of the most beautiful dives off Bunaken Island. A very special site for night diving,Barracudas, Reef Whitetip Sharks, Bamboo Sharks, and Sponge Crabs are common here. Cleaner shrimp, Scorpion fish, large Nudibranches, Cuttle fish, Spanish Dancers, Basket Stars are seen here. Anything is possible Rated :Beginner diver; vertical wall diving: depth 5-25 and av vis 35 m.

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