Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sangihe Island (The Sangihe Archipelago)

Located in northern Sulawesi island (world know as nothern Celebes), as a chain of underwater volcanic ridges between Indonesia and the Philippines archipelago. Some of those are active, such as Gunung Awu on the north and one of the most amazing underwater geological features of this archipelago is the Mahangatang, an active underwater volcano near Siau on the south. The abundant and high diversith marine life co-evoluted with types of magical reefs fringing these islands.
Sangihe has been described by international divers and snorkellers as one of the clearest water with the best visinity in the world which reefs as ‘remote, pristine and world class’. These coral reef fringed island are among the most pristine in Indonesia, and considered by experts as the pinnacle of marine bio-diversity worldwide. Many divers and fishermen are frequently found most existence cetaceans species such as sperm whales, pilot whales, melon-headed whales and numerous species of dolphins in the area and the rare tropical killer whales or orcas are sighted here occasionally.

Welcome to sangihe archipelago
"the pearls of north"

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date: 5/5/2009.

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


All visitors of national park of bunaken possible be surpriseded by realize that they dive or swim above four life of most fossil fish of popular in world in this time that is this ancient have been registered in by a fossil note of during 400 million years,and assumed totally disappeared since 70 million year which last.until caught by life in afrika south in the year 1938 becoming headline of is totality most historic and biggest in the world,invention zoological of this century such as dinosaur invention in our house page yard.
After 60 year more than the the first invention , fish which the in form of this bizzare only be known by life in ocean of hindia barat.until at the time of " don lameh sonatham" from island of manado tua,national park of bunaken also get king fish go out to sea life in the year 1998.itu meaning invention first location aparting more 10.000 km from island Comoro in afrika of south of location of invention in national park of bunaken also become headline in more than 40 of ancient negara,dan fish of This Indonesia in giving name of ilmiah"latimeria manadoensis",yang live in territorial water in national park of bunaken ( TNB) and about toil-toli ( 400 km southwest manado city).
A profound interest from society to king fish go out to sea is since its for which unique, assess evolution ,and also its life mystery as being from territorial water of king of sea to own unique combination of distinguish morfalogisnya designating existence of evolution relation/link with bony fish and the four footed animal in amphibious land,such as animal, possible the most uppermost idiosyncrasy of king fish go out to sea its 7 fin is which is muscular,which is not owned by fish of other,couple of its chest fin and moving change of such as movement of unique foot horse,and also its tail.
" Coelacanth" coming from Ianguage yunani meaning " thorn cavity" king fish go out to sea long tired diffraction 2 metre and heavy about its female 100 kg,where release egg hatching in uterus,dan later;then released,fish king go out to sea to live in cave of under sea at deepness 150-200 metre and daytime of king go out to sea more amount resting in den,and of nighttime go out to forag.

Is last…king of sea Representing animal of device Indonesia,and will remain to one of especial device of national park of bunaken (TNB).

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date:(5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment

North Sulawesi to host World Ocean Conference in May 2009

JAKARTA (Antara): The North Sulawesi provincial administration will host a World Ocean Conference (WOC) in its capital, Manado, on May 11-15 next year, a spokesman said here Monday. "The government guarantees that Indonesia and North Sulawesi is safe. Besides, international conferences we have hosted so far, proceeded without any problem," said Roy Tumiwa, a spokesman of North Sulawesi provincial administration. He said the central government and the provincial administration would do their best to maintain security and stability in the country in general and in North Sulawesi in particular. Roy said he hoped that all travel warnings issued by several foreign governments would not affect the event. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the UN Habitat, the UNESCO, Global Forum Ocean, World Wide Fund (WWF), the Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) and the Arafura and Timor Seas Experts Forum (ATSEF), were among international bodies that have responded positively to the plan. He said the conference would be a mean for world leaders and decision-makers to gather and make commitments for the development and management of marine resources

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date: (5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.

Indonesia of Initiative World Ocean Conference 2009

Indonesia of initiative World Ocean Conference ( WOC) 2009 performanced at 11-15 May 2009 in Manado, North Sulawesi, and declaration Manado Ocean Declaration ( MOD). moment meet mass media by media in Hotel Borobudur, Secretaris of Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People of Mr Indroyono Soesilo tell, this even represent first time is Indonesia own initiative to perform international conference.
this International conference theme is Ocean And Climate Change want to lift existence of deep sea of role and its his strategic function to global climate change, say Mr Indroyono,the event will be attended by about 3.000 competitor from 121 state owning sea, consisted of by developed countries and developing countries.Others be told by exepert staff of Minister of Area of Departmental Public Policy of oceaninc And fishery Gellwyn Jusuf, target performed by this seminar to look after comitment socialize world in looking after function go out to sea as effort of adaptation and mitigasi of climate change.
Moment WOC 2009 taking place, says Gelwyn, will be conducted some activity, such as Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).This meeting attended by the Indonesia, Philippine, Malaysia, Papua Niugini, archipelago Solomon, and Timor Leste. Indonesia as biggest archipelagic country have ought to initiative have conference about sea. that Other Dissimilar nations await we react and surely they support, he said.
Have conference this will study role of deep sea of global climate change, variety involve world sea, industry and service maritim, mitigasi of natural disaster in sea, and the management go out to sea and inwrought beach based on ecosistem. we invite various party to cooperate, besides executor of foreign department of republic Indonesia, department of oceaninc and fishery. LSM also we entangle, say Mr Gellwyn.

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date:(5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.

world ocean confrence 2009:sea and climate change

that happened when global warm-up continue ?, How if ice in Liquid polar ?, how much many thousand isle which will sink ?, how chance socialize beach ?, how with chance biota go out to sea World ?. What is world stages;steps to face this debacle Mentioned questions have to be replied by and the real stages;steps need executed ,Its impact is just in Indonesia will very signifikan.if no real stages;steps, estimate of our 2000 island sink in the year 2030. species Biota go out to sea Totally disappeared indonesia if global warm-up still going on and natural coral rock of asidifikasi although Disaster have before very eyes, really the oceaninc issue to global climate change is not be heard piercing. Report of all man of science of a world of merging into Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change ( IPCC) do not in eksplisit study role go out to sea, as means of carbon absorbtion, for example at conference Internasional climate change, COP-13 UNFCCC,in Bali, December 2007 and COP-14 UNFCCC in Polandia, December 2008 then, issue of about sea very the minim studied. From 800 session performanced at COP-13 UNFCCC in Bali , there's only one going out to sea issue, that is Coral Triangle Initative ( CTI). If asked to society world, why Issue of about sea do not emerge ?, Indonesia, as biggest archipelagic country in the world, which must his carry that issue, that way response of all government importance go out to sea world. when Indonesia take initiative, we will support in concern they say.
it Is True, since 5 the last year, Indonesia start to come up in assure in forums world. meeting of oceaninc minister.APEC take place success in Bali,September 2005, and bear The APEC of Bali of Plan Of Action, representing document of oceaninc policy mount regional representing document of oceaninc policy mount Asian regional Pacific. Last, Indonesia and Australian together performance meeting of fishery minister Regional to execute program theft eradication. Fish( IUU Fishing). Di mount semi-regional, taking place Arafura Sea And Timor Sea Expert Forum ( ATSEF), Sulu - Sulawesi of Marine Eco Region ( SSME) and at Leader Meeting. APEC in Australian Sydney, September 2007 then, President SBY propose Coral Triangle Initative ( CTI),which then enter into APEC Sydney Declaration 2007.
at 2007 then, Indonesia had also opened to become regular member of fishing organitation Regional, such as Indian of Ocean fishing Tuna Comission ( IOTC) and Commission for The Conservation Of Southern Bluefin Tuna ( CCSBT). During the near by, Indonesia immediately become regular member of Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission ( WCPFC) with Experience look after oceaninc cooperation mount this regional, Indonesia later;then take action strategic to muster strength of oceaninc Dunia, utilize to specify anticipatory reality step affect global climate change to sea. Idea World Ocean Conference later;then proposed ,Idea which initially thrown by Gubernur of North Sulawesi, Sinyo H.Sarundajang, at 2006 then that, immediately be answered to by central government, his which then specify it as program of priority of government Indonesia. Through Decision of President of RI No.23/Th 2007,November 2007 and decision president. (Keppres No.17/Thn.2008), committee World Ocean Conference 2009 formed. Taking The Chair Director is Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People (Menko Kesra),executor chief WOC 2009 taken hold of by Minister of oceaninc And fishing, Vice Chairman is Governor of North Sulawesi, is Secretaris WOC 2009 taken hold of by Secretaris Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People (Menko Kesra) And vice Secretaris WOC 2009 is Lead Body Research Into Oceaninc of And fishing (oceanic and fishing department DKP.) This represent gold opportunity for Indonesia to come up prima as one of state pledge area of oceaninc world. device Strategis immediately be compiled. Theme WOC 2009 is Ocean & Climate Change, topic is WOC 2009 is Ocean Impacts To Climate Change & The Role Of Ocean To Climate Change. 121 Negara Owning sea will be invited to Manado at 11-15 May 2009. expected, Manado Ocean Declaration earn agreed on at WOC 2009 , what immediately of follow up plan strategic Implementasi action. That side will be proposed by forming of World Ocean Forum.
attention socialize oceaninc world aim to Indonesia. World Bodys immediately support This Indonesia initiative. United Nations Environmental Program ( UNEP) what have station in Nairobi, Kenya, immediately his duty delegation in Bangkok to assist committee WOC 2009. Indonesia invited for presentasion plan WOC 2009 in 8 th UNICPOLOS in station PBB New York at 2007 then, and at June 2008. Indonesia also be asked for for presentation WOC 2009 before meeting UNSPLOS-2008, also in station PBB, New York, and also at 41 st Executive Council Meeting Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission ( IOC)-UNESCO in Paris. Not to mention support from organizational organization of regional of such as APEC, ATSEF, CT-6 and also support of Negara-negara Partner, such as: ACE, Australian, Japan, China, Germany, French And Canada finally meeting. At 63 general ceremony of nations confederation general ceremony ( PBB),17 December 2008 then,in New York, succeeding agreed on by Resolusion Majelis Umum PBB,The Omnibus Resolution On Oceans And Law Of The Seas, what his nucleus;core greet goodness and support Indonesia idea to execute WOC 2009.This it is true big job. Town Manado immediately arrange to welcome WOC 2009. Five hotels have star develop;builded by and have to ready to at May 2009. Thereby, about 3000 room;chamber of hotel have star will be made available by moment of execution WOC 2009. Airport of Sam Ratulangi corrected, garbarata added, space VIP extended, Immigration Space primped by and Apron Bandara widened in order to able to accomodate 20 implement VVIP
Boulevard street from airport Sam Ratulangi into the city Manado made by four band That biside development of Grand Kawanua International Convention Center have, capacities 3000 people, race. do not half the battle, at 25 December 2008 then, development of This Convention Center is direct evaluation by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in visit work to Manado. President also use opportunity intentionally to lead meeting of minister of special study WOC 2009 and CTI Summit
Not To Mention, medium of power station of heating power of earth 3 X 20 Megawatt, medium of telecommunications and transportation, medium of internet Wimax and also medium tourism to garden go out to sea Bunaken,have to immediately finish his development before May 2009.
Besides its own conference, to be attended by about 500 competitor from 121 country, hence the eunuch there will be events WOC 2009, such as International Ocean Science, Technology & Policy Symposium, to performance 33 session and will be followed by about 1500 competitor from whole world have, place in Manado Convention Center. Later than carried out also International Ocean Science, Technology And Industry Exhibition, to be filled by about 250 stand exhibition.of oceaninc and Fishery. Also will take place cultural week And Performanced by exhibition governmental development of provinsi. of North Sulawesi,Again, there is one serial of event WOC 2009, taking place at 15 May 2009, that is Coral Triangle Initative Summit ( CTI Summit), representing meeting of all head of country CTI, that is Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, PNG, Timor Leste And archipelago Solomon, and also partner CTI that is Australian Prime Minister and Presiden of United States.
Moment of This CTI Summit hence implementation of programs CTI in 6 state, in order to saving coral compose for the width of 75.000 km with international fund contribution equal to US$ 250 million, of specified by execution by leader. 6 Mentioned country. Utilize successful.CTI Summit, hence at 23 December 2008 then Presiden SBY sign Special decision president.(Keppres) for execution of CTI Summit, that is decision president (Keppres No.30/ Th.2008),expressing that CTI Summit is the part of network of activity WOC 2009,Time darted, all counting day, preparation WOC 2009 in pass by quickly sector non-stoped to beat. Middle Indonesian confirm self to become one of taft oceaninc state in world.

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email :
marnix, date: (5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment

Saturday, May 16, 2009


North Sulawesi was established on 23 september 1964. First Governor of North Sulawesi is Mr. Arnold Baramuli. Until 2003, North Sulawesi consist of 2 cities and 3 regencies. They are Manado and Bitung cities also Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow and Sangihe Talaud regencies. Nowdays, North Sulawesi consist of 4 cities they are, Manado, Tomohon, Bitung, and Kotamobagu also Minahasa, Minahasa utara, Minahasa Selatan, Minahasa Tenggara, Bolaang Mongondow, Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro. North Sulawesi is one of the 32 provinces in the Republic of Indonesia, with its capital city being Manado. This region with an area of 1,533,698 ha is located at 0º30"- 4º 3" North Latitude and 121º127" East Longitude. Based on the regional government system, North Sulawesi is subdivided into the Manado Municipality, Bolaang Mongondow District, Sangihe Talaud District and Bitung Municipality. To the North this region borders on the Republic of the Philippines, Sulawesi Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The Eastern part is on the Maluku Sea and the Southern side is the Tomini Gulf. The western part borders Gorontalo Province which until the end of 2000 was a part of North Sulawesi and then became an own province.
The terrain is extremely mountainous and hilly, stretching from Lembean - Wulur Mahatus mountain chain (in Minahasa) continuing to Mount Ambang- Mount Gambuta (in Bolaang Mongondow). In Sangihe Talaud there are both active and extinct volcanoes, some towering 1,800 - 2,000 meters. Rich volcanic ash has blessed North Sulawesi with fertile lands; the highlands and lowlands producing rice, coconut, clove, nutmeg, vanilla and vegetables. The plains produce rice and corn in Dumoga, Ayong and Sangkub (Bolaang Mongondow). Plateaus in Tondano (Minahasa) also produce rice and corn, while Modoinding is know for its vegetables. Sangihe Talaud is recognized for its high quality nutmeg and Rumbia Trees (Sago Palm the source of a special flour for traditional cookies/snack). North Sulawesi is also endowed with many lakes like Lake Tondano and Lake Moat. The rivers like Ongkag Mongondow, Ongkag Dumoga, Sungai Sangkub, Randangan, Bulia and others are utilized mostly for irrigation of the ricefields. The Tondano River is used to generate electrical power for Manado and Minahasa regions.
Like other regions in Indonesia, North Sulawesi has a typical equatorial climate with two seasons: rainy and dry. Starting in September, cool Northwesterly winds pick up moisture while crossing the South China Sea and arrive in the Sulawesi Sea, about November. The wet season lasts from about November to March, and the dry season April to October. The total number of rain days is 90-130 days with approximately 3.000 mm average annual rainfall. The average temperature is 26 Celsius with the average humidity being 80%. The great 19th century naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) was the first to observe that the Indonesia archipelago is inhabited by two distinct sets of wildlife. Wallace's Line, as this boundary is still known, is drawn between Bali and Lombok and between Kalimantan and Sulawesi, and continues South of the Philippines and North of Hawaii to mark the difference in the fauna and flora which belonged to the separate land masses in the last ice age. Indigenous to Sulawesi are the Anoa (dwarf buffalo), Babi Rusa (a wilds boar with tusks growing through the roof of its mouth), black tailless macaques, kuskus, maleo bird (which incubates its 250 gram eggs in mounds of soil warmed by sunlight, hot springs or volcanic vents), tarsier (tarsius spectrum -world's smallest primate) with its head and body length of just 10 cm, brightly colored Red - knobbed Hornbill, etc. Many of these species may seen in Tangkoko Batuangus Nature Reserve and Bogani Nani Wartabone (formerly known as Dumoga Bone) National Park
Manado host of execution woc date of 11-14 mei 2009,delegasion from state owning region go out to sea will gather in,i also invite father and mother to attend, of so much investment opportunity profiting in town interested we will assist to raise a hand and greet with happiness,

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date: 5/5/2009.

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.