Wednesday, May 20, 2009

world ocean confrence 2009:sea and climate change

that happened when global warm-up continue ?, How if ice in Liquid polar ?, how much many thousand isle which will sink ?, how chance socialize beach ?, how with chance biota go out to sea World ?. What is world stages;steps to face this debacle Mentioned questions have to be replied by and the real stages;steps need executed ,Its impact is just in Indonesia will very signifikan.if no real stages;steps, estimate of our 2000 island sink in the year 2030. species Biota go out to sea Totally disappeared indonesia if global warm-up still going on and natural coral rock of asidifikasi although Disaster have before very eyes, really the oceaninc issue to global climate change is not be heard piercing. Report of all man of science of a world of merging into Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change ( IPCC) do not in eksplisit study role go out to sea, as means of carbon absorbtion, for example at conference Internasional climate change, COP-13 UNFCCC,in Bali, December 2007 and COP-14 UNFCCC in Polandia, December 2008 then, issue of about sea very the minim studied. From 800 session performanced at COP-13 UNFCCC in Bali , there's only one going out to sea issue, that is Coral Triangle Initative ( CTI). If asked to society world, why Issue of about sea do not emerge ?, Indonesia, as biggest archipelagic country in the world, which must his carry that issue, that way response of all government importance go out to sea world. when Indonesia take initiative, we will support in concern they say.
it Is True, since 5 the last year, Indonesia start to come up in assure in forums world. meeting of oceaninc minister.APEC take place success in Bali,September 2005, and bear The APEC of Bali of Plan Of Action, representing document of oceaninc policy mount regional representing document of oceaninc policy mount Asian regional Pacific. Last, Indonesia and Australian together performance meeting of fishery minister Regional to execute program theft eradication. Fish( IUU Fishing). Di mount semi-regional, taking place Arafura Sea And Timor Sea Expert Forum ( ATSEF), Sulu - Sulawesi of Marine Eco Region ( SSME) and at Leader Meeting. APEC in Australian Sydney, September 2007 then, President SBY propose Coral Triangle Initative ( CTI),which then enter into APEC Sydney Declaration 2007.
at 2007 then, Indonesia had also opened to become regular member of fishing organitation Regional, such as Indian of Ocean fishing Tuna Comission ( IOTC) and Commission for The Conservation Of Southern Bluefin Tuna ( CCSBT). During the near by, Indonesia immediately become regular member of Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission ( WCPFC) with Experience look after oceaninc cooperation mount this regional, Indonesia later;then take action strategic to muster strength of oceaninc Dunia, utilize to specify anticipatory reality step affect global climate change to sea. Idea World Ocean Conference later;then proposed ,Idea which initially thrown by Gubernur of North Sulawesi, Sinyo H.Sarundajang, at 2006 then that, immediately be answered to by central government, his which then specify it as program of priority of government Indonesia. Through Decision of President of RI No.23/Th 2007,November 2007 and decision president. (Keppres No.17/Thn.2008), committee World Ocean Conference 2009 formed. Taking The Chair Director is Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People (Menko Kesra),executor chief WOC 2009 taken hold of by Minister of oceaninc And fishing, Vice Chairman is Governor of North Sulawesi, is Secretaris WOC 2009 taken hold of by Secretaris Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People (Menko Kesra) And vice Secretaris WOC 2009 is Lead Body Research Into Oceaninc of And fishing (oceanic and fishing department DKP.) This represent gold opportunity for Indonesia to come up prima as one of state pledge area of oceaninc world. device Strategis immediately be compiled. Theme WOC 2009 is Ocean & Climate Change, topic is WOC 2009 is Ocean Impacts To Climate Change & The Role Of Ocean To Climate Change. 121 Negara Owning sea will be invited to Manado at 11-15 May 2009. expected, Manado Ocean Declaration earn agreed on at WOC 2009 , what immediately of follow up plan strategic Implementasi action. That side will be proposed by forming of World Ocean Forum.
attention socialize oceaninc world aim to Indonesia. World Bodys immediately support This Indonesia initiative. United Nations Environmental Program ( UNEP) what have station in Nairobi, Kenya, immediately his duty delegation in Bangkok to assist committee WOC 2009. Indonesia invited for presentasion plan WOC 2009 in 8 th UNICPOLOS in station PBB New York at 2007 then, and at June 2008. Indonesia also be asked for for presentation WOC 2009 before meeting UNSPLOS-2008, also in station PBB, New York, and also at 41 st Executive Council Meeting Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission ( IOC)-UNESCO in Paris. Not to mention support from organizational organization of regional of such as APEC, ATSEF, CT-6 and also support of Negara-negara Partner, such as: ACE, Australian, Japan, China, Germany, French And Canada finally meeting. At 63 general ceremony of nations confederation general ceremony ( PBB),17 December 2008 then,in New York, succeeding agreed on by Resolusion Majelis Umum PBB,The Omnibus Resolution On Oceans And Law Of The Seas, what his nucleus;core greet goodness and support Indonesia idea to execute WOC 2009.This it is true big job. Town Manado immediately arrange to welcome WOC 2009. Five hotels have star develop;builded by and have to ready to at May 2009. Thereby, about 3000 room;chamber of hotel have star will be made available by moment of execution WOC 2009. Airport of Sam Ratulangi corrected, garbarata added, space VIP extended, Immigration Space primped by and Apron Bandara widened in order to able to accomodate 20 implement VVIP
Boulevard street from airport Sam Ratulangi into the city Manado made by four band That biside development of Grand Kawanua International Convention Center have, capacities 3000 people, race. do not half the battle, at 25 December 2008 then, development of This Convention Center is direct evaluation by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in visit work to Manado. President also use opportunity intentionally to lead meeting of minister of special study WOC 2009 and CTI Summit
Not To Mention, medium of power station of heating power of earth 3 X 20 Megawatt, medium of telecommunications and transportation, medium of internet Wimax and also medium tourism to garden go out to sea Bunaken,have to immediately finish his development before May 2009.
Besides its own conference, to be attended by about 500 competitor from 121 country, hence the eunuch there will be events WOC 2009, such as International Ocean Science, Technology & Policy Symposium, to performance 33 session and will be followed by about 1500 competitor from whole world have, place in Manado Convention Center. Later than carried out also International Ocean Science, Technology And Industry Exhibition, to be filled by about 250 stand exhibition.of oceaninc and Fishery. Also will take place cultural week And Performanced by exhibition governmental development of provinsi. of North Sulawesi,Again, there is one serial of event WOC 2009, taking place at 15 May 2009, that is Coral Triangle Initative Summit ( CTI Summit), representing meeting of all head of country CTI, that is Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, PNG, Timor Leste And archipelago Solomon, and also partner CTI that is Australian Prime Minister and Presiden of United States.
Moment of This CTI Summit hence implementation of programs CTI in 6 state, in order to saving coral compose for the width of 75.000 km with international fund contribution equal to US$ 250 million, of specified by execution by leader. 6 Mentioned country. Utilize successful.CTI Summit, hence at 23 December 2008 then Presiden SBY sign Special decision president.(Keppres) for execution of CTI Summit, that is decision president (Keppres No.30/ Th.2008),expressing that CTI Summit is the part of network of activity WOC 2009,Time darted, all counting day, preparation WOC 2009 in pass by quickly sector non-stoped to beat. Middle Indonesian confirm self to become one of taft oceaninc state in world.

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email :
marnix, date: (5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment

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