Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Indonesia of Initiative World Ocean Conference 2009

Indonesia of initiative World Ocean Conference ( WOC) 2009 performanced at 11-15 May 2009 in Manado, North Sulawesi, and declaration Manado Ocean Declaration ( MOD). moment meet mass media by media in Hotel Borobudur, Secretaris of Minister of Coordinator of Prosperity of People of Mr Indroyono Soesilo tell, this even represent first time is Indonesia own initiative to perform international conference.
this International conference theme is Ocean And Climate Change want to lift existence of deep sea of role and its his strategic function to global climate change, say Mr Indroyono,the event will be attended by about 3.000 competitor from 121 state owning sea, consisted of by developed countries and developing countries.Others be told by exepert staff of Minister of Area of Departmental Public Policy of oceaninc And fishery Gellwyn Jusuf, target performed by this seminar to look after comitment socialize world in looking after function go out to sea as effort of adaptation and mitigasi of climate change.
Moment WOC 2009 taking place, says Gelwyn, will be conducted some activity, such as Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).This meeting attended by the Indonesia, Philippine, Malaysia, Papua Niugini, archipelago Solomon, and Timor Leste. Indonesia as biggest archipelagic country have ought to initiative have conference about sea. that Other Dissimilar nations await we react and surely they support, he said.
Have conference this will study role of deep sea of global climate change, variety involve world sea, industry and service maritim, mitigasi of natural disaster in sea, and the management go out to sea and inwrought beach based on ecosistem. we invite various party to cooperate, besides executor of foreign department of republic Indonesia, department of oceaninc and fishery. LSM also we entangle, say Mr Gellwyn.

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date:(5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment.

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