Wednesday, May 20, 2009


All visitors of national park of bunaken possible be surpriseded by realize that they dive or swim above four life of most fossil fish of popular in world in this time that is this ancient have been registered in by a fossil note of during 400 million years,and assumed totally disappeared since 70 million year which last.until caught by life in afrika south in the year 1938 becoming headline of is totality most historic and biggest in the world,invention zoological of this century such as dinosaur invention in our house page yard.
After 60 year more than the the first invention , fish which the in form of this bizzare only be known by life in ocean of hindia barat.until at the time of " don lameh sonatham" from island of manado tua,national park of bunaken also get king fish go out to sea life in the year 1998.itu meaning invention first location aparting more 10.000 km from island Comoro in afrika of south of location of invention in national park of bunaken also become headline in more than 40 of ancient negara,dan fish of This Indonesia in giving name of ilmiah"latimeria manadoensis",yang live in territorial water in national park of bunaken ( TNB) and about toil-toli ( 400 km southwest manado city).
A profound interest from society to king fish go out to sea is since its for which unique, assess evolution ,and also its life mystery as being from territorial water of king of sea to own unique combination of distinguish morfalogisnya designating existence of evolution relation/link with bony fish and the four footed animal in amphibious land,such as animal, possible the most uppermost idiosyncrasy of king fish go out to sea its 7 fin is which is muscular,which is not owned by fish of other,couple of its chest fin and moving change of such as movement of unique foot horse,and also its tail.
" Coelacanth" coming from Ianguage yunani meaning " thorn cavity" king fish go out to sea long tired diffraction 2 metre and heavy about its female 100 kg,where release egg hatching in uterus,dan later;then released,fish king go out to sea to live in cave of under sea at deepness 150-200 metre and daytime of king go out to sea more amount resting in den,and of nighttime go out to forag.

Is last…king of sea Representing animal of device Indonesia,and will remain to one of especial device of national park of bunaken (TNB).

My identity : name : MARNIX R.B.M. mobile : 081340726549,addrees: manado city,north Sulawesi,Indonesia, email : date:(5/05/2009)

Welcome “We have commitment to assist each; every interested investor (eviroment tourism,marine tourism,diving,oceaninc industry ,agliculture,industry,fishery and erudite research.) for have this town investment

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